Vigilantly Seek a Miss Clara.
“If you’re going to actually do this, you’re going to need to get started, soon,” came the urging directive on the other end of the line. By her voice, ‘soon’ really meant, as in yesterday.
The caller was my sister Vicki, the ultra-creative-quilting-Martha Stewart-type-perfect-hostess-perfect-seamstress-family-glue-person championing me toward my goal of creating a graduation quilt for my first-born college senior, Grant.

If you’ve an opportunity to give someone hope, do that. The world needs more hope.
Once my gut settled on the immediate project nature of the beast, I became overwhelmingly encouraged that Vicki actually believed I could muster the task of creating a quilt. It was something I’d always wanted to do but never truly felt capable.
In a large sense, Vicki reminds me of Karen Abercrombie’s War Room character Miss Clara.
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