When Darcy Brown’s church issued a call for entries for its 10th International Art Competition, almost immediately a picture came to the artist’s mind of the quilt she would create to enter.
The theme of the competition was Tell me the stories of Jesus, which explains why Darcy envisioned her art quilt’s outcome long before she figured out how to create it.
Both the process of making the quilt and the finished work represent Darcy’s unshakable faith in Jesus, especially through significant testing.
The storm that rocked Darcy, husband Fred and their family’s world began with an achy five year old seeking comfort in the middle of the night, his mom’s intuition and, significantly, only a few days notice.
Complete story, with methodology photos, click here …
God created, sew should we. [Creative Joy = Therapy = Undeniable Rippling Effects.] Our stories as makers are valuable. [Life is humbling. Sharing our journeys is uplifting and productive.]
Labor of Love Scrap Happy Star Quilt: Earns Top Seller Pattern Spot
Scrap Happy Star Quilt Delights with Bright, Happy Colors
The Scrap Happy Star Quilt was conceived and created in love. And has paved the way to add for Quilt Maker Isabella Denham to add celebrated “Pattern Designer” her list of creative accomplishments. What started out as a project to bring delight to her nearly blind 91 year-old mother-in-law Eileen, turned into even more than a beautiful quilt.
God created, sew should we. [Creative Joy = Therapy = Undeniable Rippling Effects.] Our stories as makers are valuable. [Life is humbling. Sharing our journeys is uplifting and productive.]
Got Milk?! How about Walmart Fat Quarters?
It seemed like an ordinary spouse-to-spouse request: “Please pick-up milk @ Walmart on your way home from work.”
Fortunately Quilt Maker Linda Dalton Rigney accurately interpreted her husband’s request:
“Stop by Walmart. Enjoy some self time and be sure stock up on a beautiful variety of fat quarters to feed your creative soul.”

Linda’s chain reaction Face Book status post: “Yes Honey, I’ll stop at Walmart and get milk. You’re welcome. 😀 Loving the Waverly and Emma & Mila FQ’s fabric.”
Sometimes really extraordinary things come from every day things. Sharing our daily walks, no matter how off-the-cuff, whimsical or mundane, creates chain reactions. Special occurrences and life changers … though we may never know it.
{Our stories as makers are valuable.}
Complete story and to check out more Walmart fabric finds. See how makers are using colorful Waverly and Emma & Mila combos.
God created, sew should we. [Creative Joy = Therapy = Undeniable Rippling Effects.] Our stories as makers are valuable. [Life is humbling. Sharing our journeys is uplifting and productive.]
Feeling Beach-y Breezy or Dark & Cozy? Join Our First Learn-To-Quilt Together!
I’m excited. Giddy. Obnoxious with anticipation. January is officially reboot month.
And I want you to join me in a bit of decadence.
Cliche as it sounds, January represents possibilities and fresh starts. An opportunity to commit to nurturing our creative sides.
Just looking at The Cozy Throw Quilt is a mental vacation from Colorado’s frigid January temps. To me the quilt’s simplicity, and especially the featured color palate, lean toward a much-appreciated beach-y vibe. But if you want to make this quilt switching to a black background and warm colors, the look and feel will change to dark and cozy.
Join me in making this beginner level Cozy Throw Quilt by Craftsy.
Read the rest of the story and get important online course and kit info …
Thank you for visiting Craftsy for your creative needs by using links from our blog. By doing so, SewGod.com receives a commission when you purchase Craftsy courses and products. We look forward to your input and continued growth of our online makers community.
God created, sew should we. [Creative Joy = Therapy = Undeniable Rippling Effects.] Our stories as makers are valuable. [Life is humbling. Sharing our journeys is uplifting and productive.]
Award-winning Tennessee Quilter Passionate about Making & Giving
MAKER-GIVER SERIES Part 2 of 2. Quilter Linda has made more than 40 quilts this year … most of which are in the grateful hands of others. Check out some of her 2015 Collection.
Photo Creds: Linda Laird (Part 1 and Linda’s scenic photos here)
“You will find yourself giving most of your creations away too, it feels so good when you give one to someone and they use it.”
– Linda Laird

BIG HEARTED: Linda receives “centers” from other volunteers, then makes them into quilts for precious preemies through the Angels Quilt Project. Cross Stitch Center: Judi Peterson.
God created, sew should we.
“I believe we all have a gift of creativity in one form or other and it would be wrong of us to keep these talents to ourselves,” says Millington, Tennessee quilt maker Linda Laird.
This year the proliferate quilter has lived out her personal passion by making more than 40 quilts, most of which she has gifted to others.
Read all about it … and see more of Linda’s amazing creations here.
Dog Whisperer Quilter Lives Hands & Feet Life

One of Linda’s Border Collies, Bailey, Takes in Her first snow.
MAKER-GIVER SERIES: Part 1 of 2 featuring Linda Laird’s creations and heart for giving. Linda, thanks for blessing us by allowing me showcase some of your work and words of inspiration. Photo Creds: Linda Laird. (Part 2 and to see Linda’s fabulous quilts go here)
In a beautiful country setting situated outside Millington, Tennessee lives a gifted, hard-working woman with a generous heart. A woman who quilts, gardens and puts her show dogs lovingly through the paces. She is an amazing photographer and a published author. More than any thing, this woman unceasingly lives out what it means to be God’s hands & feet on earth.
Continued … Read Part One of this series here …
The Rag Coat: A Must-Read Children’s Thanksgiving Story

Classic Season of Thanks Must-Read: The Rag Coat
The Rag Coat by Lauren Mills received the Charlotte Award, 13 state awards, and the Smithsonian’s “Season’s Choice” award. This month, Mills celebrates the launch of her heartwarming debut novel Minna’s Patchwork Coat based on her original classic story, The Rag Coat.
As though it were yesterday I recall a day years ago when my then third and fifth grade kid-ohs piled into my car after an eventful school day.
“It was great Mom. She just took him out!” blurted my usually mild mannered oldest, Grant. Looking in the rearview mirror at a very smug, smirking younger sister Brooke, my curiosity was in high gear.
God created, sew should we. [Creative Joy = Therapy = Undeniable Rippling Effects.] Our stories as makers are valuable. [Life is humbling. Sharing our journeys is uplifting and productive.]
How to Create an Adorable Baby Shower Onesies Guest Book
Giving thanks for family … and Onesies.

Three Gens of Broncs’ Fans: Mom, Baby-In-Waiting-Station Tucker, Grandma
We recently had a good time hosting a Baby Shower Tailgater Potluck on behalf of my Denver Bronco Fan-ATIC niece MacKenzie. Her new little fan is due in January and we wanted to create something special to commemorate the celebration.
Years ago my dear friend, Laura Fielding Aspegren, fashioned the most adorable children’s “line” to sell at our church craft fare. Laura affixed cute fabrics to ready-made cotton-knit dresses, tops and jeans and if memory serves, had a hard time keeping up with demand.
How-tos and more fun party pics here …

Evidence of Alyssa’s sense of humor.
God created, sew should we. [Creative Joy = Therapy = Undeniable Rippling Effects.] Our stories as makers are valuable. [Life is humbling. Sharing our journeys is uplifting and productive.]
Quilters’ Advice: Be Patient, Embrace imPerfection, Start Simple
Part One in a Series: Experienced Quilt Makers Offer Must-haves, How-Tos and What-nots. Read on for time-saving tips and a quilt top you can complete in one sitting.

Embracing Imperfection One Block @ a Time.
Patience & imPerfection & Jelly Roll Gladness! Oh MY!
Ok, I’ve gotta say it: if someone tells you, “Oh it’s simple, easy-peezy, nothin’ to it,” and they’re referencing starting a blog or embarking on the obsession of quilting, you’ve a right to question everything that person says forever and always.
Yet, if this person has a glint in his or her eye, it’s likely he/she so loves what they’re talking about and their goal is to encourage you to soulfully join in their mania. The person knows when creative energy begin flows, rewards are great and outweigh learning curve challenges. And they want to share that with you.
So give ’em grace and embrace this truth: Creative Joy=Therapy=Undeniable Rippling Effects.
These past weeks getting Sew God operational, juggling other commitments and as one busy, experienced maker recently put it “stealing away time to quilt,” have been a blur. Little sleep = great rewards.
It’s been uplifting to to meet so many tremendous, helpful people in the quilt maker world, both in online communities and at local shops.
[Click Here! Read More! Perfect Beginner Project Video How-To: Missouri Star Quilt Company’s Race 1600 Quilt Time-Saver Top]
Becoming A Maker: Vigilantly Seek Your Miss Clara
“If you’re going to actually do this, you’re going to need to get started, soon,” came the urging directive on the other end of the line. By her voice, ‘soon’ really meant, “as in yesterday.”
The caller was my sister Vicki, the ultra-creative-quilting-perfect-hostess-perfect-seamstress-family-glue-person championing me toward my goal of creating a graduation quilt for my first-born college senior, Grant.
Once my gut settled on the immediate project nature of the beast, I became overwhelmingly encouraged that Vicki actually believed I could muster the task of creating a quilt. It was something I’d always wanted to do but never truly felt capable.
In a large sense, Vicki reminds me of Karen Abercrombie’s War Room character Miss Clara.
I began to understand: The joy of creating is therapeutic and has rippling effects …
[Read More: Becoming a Maker …]
“So God?” Sew God.
Alone with our Maker, prayers sometimes take a conversational tone. Often starting with, “So God …” venturing into some “where do I go from here?” question.
“So God?” prayers come from deep inside and are often pleadings with our Creator to find a sense of comfort or simply request guidance. “So God?” prayers are the ones that most clearly show resignation, a willingness to listen and to follow.
“So God?” conversations do not always provide immediate answers, like when seeking to comprehend worldly injustice, make sense of school shootings, a good friend’s divorce, the unexpected loss of those close or when “time marches on” as my Mom used to say.
How does ‘So God?’ get us to Sew God?
We will talk of our journeys as makers. The ultimate Maker created us in His image. That means we’re creative too.
Hurray, I finally got the site to accept my password so I can respond to the stories and give my input. Thank you for invitation to be a part of this web/blog adventure.
And Linda, thank you for your heart. You’re such an inspiration. Thanks for your patience with me as I learn this medium. Blessings!
I love children’s books; especially those that teach a lesson or have a good moral. Thank you for sharing this one with us –I’m going to get it for my library.
Cindy … Thanks much! I’m so glad the review was helpful. And thankful you’re part of this community. My apologies for not responding earlier. Still learning the technical part of doing the blog.
It was brought up in church today the importance of GOD GIVEN TALENTS and what we are to do with them. It occurred to me that we quilters have a talent that we are obligated to share. It would be a sin if we kept our talent to ourselves or neglected to use our talented to warm the world. So, quilt away ladies and gents, quilt till your hearts content and lets warm the world. What better legacy to leave behind than that of our treasured quilts. Can I get an AMEN
I bought the pattern and fabric kit from Crafty…the Cozy throw quilt. Can’t wait to make it up. It will make a great gift.
LINDA!!!! Yahoo!!! Take pictures please. I know with your talent this will be a slam dunk, easy peasy project. But would love your insights on how it all comes together. I’ve received mine and am finishing a few things before commencing. Nice to know you’re doing it too.