Alone with our Maker, prayers sometimes take a conversational tone. Often starting with, “So God …” venturing into some “where do I go from here?” question.
“So God?” prayers come from deep inside and are often pleadings with our Creator to find a sense of comfort or simply request guidance. “So God?” prayers are the ones that most clearly show resignation, a willingness to listen and to follow.
“So God?” conversations do not always provide immediate answers, like when seeking to comprehend worldly injustice, make sense of school shootings, a good friend’s divorce, the unexpected loss of those close or when “time marches on” as my Mom used to say.
How does ‘So God?’ get us to Sew God?
My “So God?” prayers sometimes seek answers to current life challenges and milestones, kids growing up, moving away and new normals.

Another Work in Progress: Turning ‘So God?’ into Sew God.com
It was during a “So God …” conversation it became obvious the career I’d been trying to rekindle for the last three years was not what I was called to be doing. Simply, I’d lost my passion, my patience and my edge.
Later, as I poured out to God my heart for sharing faith and the stories about quilting and the amazing generosities of the quilting community and sewing and creating (whew!) — the idea dawned to begin an online sharing and gifting experience.
The joy of creating is therapeutic and yields undeniable rippling effects.
Many already experience this truth. Yet, there are those still falsely convinced they lack the creative gifts to seek their creative selves. This is especially true of those yearning to sew who may not even know what a bobbin is or how to thread the machine banished to an infrequently visited closet.
If you relate, Sew God is for you.
This past year I have been blessed to find out what many have known all along: God created — sew should we.
Sew God is about sharing our stories as creative souls. It is about those who are His willing hands and feet and loving voices. It is about using our gifts and sharing the sheer joy of creating and giving and relating to our Creator, each other, families, friends and friends yet-to-be-met.
In fact, the name “Sew God” came when I was asking, “So God?” about ideas to begin this online community.
Sew God is for newbies and veteran quilters and everyone in between interested in tidbits and stories of inspiration. Sew God is for all seamstresses, wannabe seamstresses, needle artists, crochet and knitting fanatics and those who just need to read a story affirming God is at work through the creative beings He made.
To get better acquainted, let’s share our:
- Works-in-progress
- Trials, what inspires us, shortcuts,
- Stories of who we made our creations for and what they mean to us,
- Fabrics, our latest blog crushes, recipes, books and more.
We will talk of our journeys as makers. The ultimate Maker created us in His image. That means we’re creative too.
The longer we live, life in all its glory has a way of humbling us. We lose a bit of innocence to clarity with life challenges and joys and bittersweet moments. The clearer things become in terms of understanding our fleeting moments, our precious times and our frailties, the more “Sew God” sharing and energies must flow … to bring joy, solace, peace, beauty, accomplishment and opportunity.
“Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.” 2 Cor 13:11
God created, sew should we. [Creative Joy = Therapy = Undeniable Rippling Effects.] Our stories as makers are valuable. [Life is humbling. Sharing our journeys is uplifting and productive.]

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