This week Corporal Nate Carrigan was laid to rest. Captain Mark Hancock and Master Patrol Deputy Kolby Martin, both recovering from wounds suffered from he same incident (Original story here) which claimed Corporal Carrigan’s life, were able to join his loved ones, community members and friends (as many as 4,000 mourners) to pay tribute to the fallen deputy.
In the midst of great sorrow and need, it is my belief God speaks into the hearts of His children. Those who hear Him, are able and willing, act.
Such has truly been the case of more than 40 quilting and sewing volunteers nationwide (coast-to-coast, Bailey/Pine communities and throughout Colorado) who have made blocks and volunteered other services to help create Comfort Quilts for Corporal Carrigan’s loved ones, Captain Hancock and Master Patrol Deputy Martin.
Block Makers: On Sunday, I went through and sorted, cataloged, “sleeved” and excel-spread sheeted (because I am like that) where the blocks came from and who made them. I read your letters extending thanks for this effort. I put sealed envelopes addressed to the Carrigans with their authors’ blocks.
It was uplifting and bittersweet. Heartwarming and tremendously sad. Indescribable really. I wish you could have been with me, but felt in some way you all were — in my spare bedroom converted office/studio.
I was gripped by the outpouring of love in your words, your carefully made blocks, your special and unique fabric selections, your sense of mission — and the senselessness of the tragedy and tremendous loss all at once. I hope and pray our efforts are a worthy means of comfort to those hurting, and to you as well.
We have nearly cleared the first hurdle in gathering blocks — we’ve enough to make 3.5 quilts.
It is anticipated there will be enough blocks to make four quilts. Also, Michelle Holiday has volunteered to make medallions to compliment the predominantly blue, gold, silver and white blocks we’ve gathered; another volunteer has offered to embroider labels. A few with expertise in long arm quilting have offer their services. Some have offered to contribute toward materials for backing, sashing and batting (to date, we’ve received $100 in contributions).
Here are four ways you can remain involved/up-to-date with the next steps of the creation process or offer assistance:
1) Save the Dates! Join in the Comfort Quilt-Alongs! A special opportunity for local quilters to meet one another and come together to complete the quilts of comfort. Castle Rock/Castle Pines resident Denese Marshall has volunteered her quilting expertise, long-arm skills and her home for a series of QUILT-ALONGs. Denese has ties to the Bailey community (longtime friend of Holly Menuier). She has hosted a number of quilting fellowship gatherings. Volunteers who would like to be involved in piecing, cutting, lay-out, assembly, pressing (and especially visiting) are asked to bring their machines, mats, rotaries, seam rippers (always those rippers) rulers, open hearts, a sack lunch and enthusiasm for teaming.
The Comfort Quilt-Alongs are currently scheduled for March 26, April 7 & 8 and May 13 & 14. 10AM-5PM each day. Come for the day or as time permits. Space is limited, please RSVP to Denese via email at your earliest opportunity: denesemarshall@comcast.net Be sure to indicate when you’re able to join the Quilt-Alongs.
2) If you’d like, bring a dessert, veggies or fruit to share at the Quilt-Alongs.
3) Materials Contributions: Thanks to those who have sent contributions to defray the costs of backing, sashing and batting. Others who wish to make contributions for materials may do so at the quilt-alongs or via snail mail to: Janelle Jones 9974 Clairton Street, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126. Any surplus funds will be distributed to the following (see below).
4) Assistance Funds:
* Deputy Kolby Martin Assistance Fund: Recovering from multiple gunshot wounds, Kolby has been released into the care of his family. He is an officer, father, son, brother, friend and needs prayers and support. Click here to contribute to his assistance.
* Nate Carrigan Scholarship Fund: Contributions accepted at any Bank of the West.
* The Melissa Patterson Fund: Nate is survived by his girlfriend and her four children. Contributions to the fund will be accepted at any Bank of the West.
God created, sew should we. [Creative Joy = Therapy = Undeniable Rippling Effects.] Our stories as makers are valuable. [Life is humbling. Sharing our journeys is uplifting and productive.]
Thanks block makers and contributors! To date blocks and/or contributions have been received from: Terrie James, Judy de Boer, Jamie Bernstein, Donna Carter, Lauri Knox, Kathy Krieger, Barbara Meachum, Kate Olsen, Charlotte Wytias, Judy Young, Joyce Steed, Kathy Lederhos, Steph Terry, Catherine Kealy, Karin Prieto, Tracy Knights, Dawn Mills, Ruth Nott, Anne Marcellis, Mary Therit, Cheryl Williams, Ruth Miller, Jen Lanak, Janet Ficklin, Heidi Kunz, Jessie Burbach, Cindy Mauch, Dee Prendergrass, Karen Dever, Jeanne Schurr, Vicki Bruno, T. Strieter, Denese Marshall, Cindy Mauch, Lois Hoy, Earlene Swaner, L.Trimble, Nancy Schuldt, Shayna Hamlin, Kathy Haller, Linda Laird, Lori Dreher, Jill Fischer, Anonymous (Arvada, CO), Vickie Bond, Katie Spodyak, Tamra Urich. If you’ve submitted blocks and your name is not on this list, please let me know. Again, thanks so very much.

[…] More than 40 quilt makers, sewists and givers have made blocks, volunteered quilting services, donated batting and contributions for sashing fabric to help in the effort create Comfort Quilts for Corporal Nate Carrigan’s loved ones, Captain Mark Hancock and Master Patrol Deputy Kolby Martin (Previous Story Here). […]